الاثنين، 3 يونيو 2013

How Drupal sites are hacked

How sites are hacked
Following are the weaker points to hack the Drupal sites
1.     Insecure Environment: Permission, Previlage, Poor backup, and Unautherise accessing  
2.    SQL injection:  is often used to attack data driven applications
3.    XSS (Cross-site scripting)
·         XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users. A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy. Cross-site scripting carried out on websites accounted for roughly 84% of all security vulnerabilities documented by Symantec as of 2007. Their effect may range from a petty nuisance to a significant security risk, depending on the sensitivity of the data handled by the vulnerable site and the nature of any security mitigation implemented by the site's owner.
·         Admin unknowingly executes
·         Javascripts alerts admin-only settings
4.    Outdated codes
5.     Databases Password (keeping old and unsecured passwords)
6.     FTP Password (keeping old and unsecured passwords)
7.    Total Commander with saved passwords.

Eng. Hamad Nassir Al-Qahtani
Portal and New Media Director

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