الأربعاء، 16 أبريل 2014

Practical training report

Department of portal and e-services
Practical training report

Trainee name: Abdulaziz Saleh Al-Abdulkareem

Supervisor name: Eng. Hamad Al-Qahtani

2014  / 1435H


 I would like to thank the Deanship of e-Transaction and Communication for giving me the opportunity to train with them. I also would like to thank Dr. Esam Alwagait the dean of the deanship of e-transaction and communication, and Eng. Hamad Al-Qhatani Portal and new media department director. I thank my supervisor Naif Alotaibi for his time and effort. 


Practical training is one of the most important opportunities that give the student a chance to get a practical experience and try the working environment, which is completely different from the educational environment. It also makes the student get used to take responsibility and discipline and punctuality. Moreover, it strengthens teamwork.

The Training Plan:

My training plan was to design a system for the journal site of college of business administration to post scientific papers and evaluate them.
The training plan started from requirement gathering and business analysis, passed through system analysis, and then designing the application interfaces, and testing the system after completion.

Scope of training:

System Analysis:

The Systems Analyst Implements computer system requirements by defining and analyzing system problems; designing and testing standards and solutions.

System Analyst Job Duties:

·         Defines application problem by conferring with clients; evaluating procedures and processes.
·         Identify and plan for organizational planned systems, and ensure that new technical requirements are properly integrated with existing processes and skill sets.
·          Interacts with internal users and customers to learn and document requirements that are then used to produce business requirements documents.
·         Develops solution by preparing and evaluating alternative workflow solutions.
·         Controls solution by establishing specifications; coordinating production with programmers.
·         Validates results by testing programs.
·         Provides reference by writing documentation.
·         Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
·         Accomplishes information systems and organization mission by completing related results as needed.
·         Helps programmers during system development to provide flowcharts or Database design and Interact with designers to understand software limitations.
·         Writes technical requirements from a critical phase and Plan a system flow from the ground up.
·         Performs system testing.

System Analysis Tools:

Feasibility Studies

Often the first step involves determining whether the product or project is worth the time and effort. A feasibility study is a document that describes features and benefits of the product, itemizes costs, resources and staffing then describes the projects potential profits or value to the organization. A feasibility study forces the analysis team to turn a nebulous idea into a practical, useful project with a firm definition and a list of tangible benefits.


The details necessary to understand processes or product needs are usually in the heads of employees and customers. The only way to mine this information is to talk with them. Interviews should be focused, with a prepared list of questions or concepts to be discussed. Document each interview by recording it using a small digital recorder or summarize the conversation immediately after it is completed.

Use Cases

Short narratives describing how a product will be used, limited to a few paragraphs, often helps analysts and customers refine product features. Refine these narratives throughout the analysis phase. These use cases can be used throughout the project life cycle, especially during testing.
Microsoft Word was used to write the use cases.

Figure 1 Use case diagram of the project

Requirements Lists

When designing a product, it is helpful to keep a running list of requirements. These should be presented as a list or in outline form, organized by categories. As the list grows, this list helps the analyst understand the customer's needs and helps limit what features are necessary and which are not.
Microsoft Word was used for writing the list of requirements.


Functional Requirements of the project:

·         Authority distribution.
·         Log in to the system.
·         Edit the account information.
·         Uploading a new research.
·         Editing a research.
·         Assigning referees.
·         Writing a research review.
·         Final acceptance.


Non-Functional Requirements of the project:

·         Ease of use of the system
·         Easy navigation between pages System
·         Easy retrieval of archived data
·         Ease of adjustment and conservation
·         Show the time and date of lifting of the research and the completion of the arbitration
·         Send an e-mail message and the status of the researcher to Mobile Search
·         Send an e-mail after each of the users concerned
·         Put a time limit to the approval of the arbitrator's award a maximum of 7 days
·         Capping arbitration for up to 30 days


Flowcharts come in many varieties and under many names, but the basic concept is to take a process and describe it as a diagram. Whether presented as a process flow chart or an Entity/Relation diagram, the drawing helps the analyst describe a series of steps or decisions in visual form in a manner that facilitates communication.
Microsoft PowerPoint was used to initiate the flowcharts.
Figure 2  Flowchart diagram of the project


A model or prototype can turn a group of ideas into solid form. Software engineers often hear the statement "I'll know what I want when I see it" and a model or prototype can facilitate these issues. By presenting a prototype, the analysts gather features that work and open discussion on other features and improvements.
Caretta GUI Design Studio was used to initiate the system prototype.

Prototype Screenshots:

Figure 3 Log in screen
Figure 4 Research list
Figure 5 uploading a research form

The rest of the prototype screenshots are in the system requirement report.

Trainee’s outcome :

·         Being able to do the examination of the business problem that organizations plan to solve with an information system.
·         Being able to gather information about the existing system in order to determine the requirements for an enhanced system or a new system.
·         Being able to identify the specific requirements that the system must satisfy.
·         Being able to develop solution by preparing and evaluating alternative workflow solutions
·         Being able to control solution by establishing specifications; coordinating production with programmers.

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